Tuesday, May 03, 2005

My Hero ..A tribute by Puddick

My hero(ine) has maybe never done anything world-shattering, but at age 17, she left a small welsh town to "do something different" this was in 1950 when women didn't do that!
She became a nurse in the WRAF and , one day a young man was brought into her ward with a badly broken leg.
As she was nursing him, she fell in love with him, but sadly for her, he was posted to Singapore.
She carried on writing to him, and one day, left the WRAF, and got a flight to Singapore, the trip took two weeks, and she ended up stranded in cyprus for 5 days.

Eventually, she made it, and got to Singapore, and married her true love.

She had three children under the age of five when the malay riots broke out, and she had to get them safely evacuated out of the country, there was a horrible moment when the malays were marching up the street towards her and the other women and children, they managed to escape to safety across a football pitch, with the help of an army officer.

Life settled down after this, but she always loved her husband and her family, and tried to bring them up "properly".

One time, she and her husband were taken in by a con-man, and he took everything they had, so they were just left with their pension and no savings, her response to this was "well they must have needed it, or they wouldn't have done it"

They say as long as they have each other and their family, they don't need anything else.

I try to live by this woman's example, because she is (quietly) amazing.

she is.......


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